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Sabtu, 02 Mei 2009

10 bizarre things made from car parts

Trying to safe and protect our environment, people attempt to recycle car parts naturally. Here are some ways of such “recycling”.
1. Would you like to sit down? If you have got a lemon car inherited from your granny or grandpa you can turn the front part of it into a cool sofa.

10 bizarre things made from car parts
2. If you are a blonde and cannot drive a car properly, you can just make a glamorous handbag from the plate number.
10 bizarre things made from car parts
3. Don’t need the front and back lamps anymore? The next alarm clock-lamp can keep them for you.
10 bizarre things made from car parts
4. It sounds funny, but this is a real computer made from Porche Cayenne wheels. So where are the buttons?
10 bizarre things made from car parts
5. Too much lemon car stuff? You must use it for music-playing. The concert of car-stuff musical instruments occurred in some European and American cities recently.
10 bizarre things made from car parts
10 bizarre things made from car parts
6. By the way, there is one more extra-ordinary decision for the car lamps. One guy made … a case for cellular phone from them!
10 bizarre things made from car parts
7. If you’re a hotel owner and want to impress the visitors, the next newspaper table is right for you or, more exactly, for the waiting guests.
10 bizarre things made from car parts
8. This creative design is also made from lemon car parts. It can be a good toy for your kids or the best decision for hi-tech home interior.
10 bizarre things made from car parts
10 bizarre things made from car parts
9. Need a new table? Take a tyre and some glass. Here it is!
10 bizarre things made from car parts
10. The local inhabitants of dark continents can’t afford a vehicle, but they can afford a new pair of sandals made from the recycled tires.
10 bizarre things made from car parts
Good ideas for using lemon car parts to you!


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